Can I print out Quizzes and Exams from D2L?

The answer is yes, but there is not a direct “Print” option.  The instructor would need to copy the text from a preview and paste into Word before printing.   The questions and answers will display, but the correct answer is not displayed in the same way an answer key would display.  The basic actions are:

  1. Identify Quiz from your Quizzes list
  2. Select “Preview” from the dropdown choices
  3. Right-Click/Control-Click the webpage area which contains the Quiz questions,
  4. Choose browser choice “Select All” so that all questions are copied.
  5. Choose browser option for “Copy” to copy all highlighted text
  6. Open Microsoft Word
  7. Paste into Word the information you copied
  8. Print the Word file

Important Notes: The pasted information will contain all the components of the quiz including the question radio buttons, check boxes, and text-entry boxes.  If you choose to paste the information you have copied and remove the formatting as a pasting option, the question components will not be included, but the answer text may not align with the question.