1. Go to https://www.office.com 2. Click on your name or picture in the upper right of your screen 3. Select view account 4. Click on the security info tile 5. Then you can update your settings
Zoom Pro licenses are now available to employees! Click the "Sign in" button and enter your college username and password. To activate your Zoom account, go to http://dtcc.zoom.us Please consider using other technology during peak instructional hours (M-F 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.). To the extent possible, employees in supporting divisions should use this technology [...]
Remote Desktop Access Employees may log into remote.dtcc.edu in order to access files located on departmental and personal network drives. However, treat the remote server like a filing cabinet at work where you will run in and get files off your desktop or off the shared drives and then get back out. Due to licensing [...]
1. Log into MyDTCC at https://my.dtcc.edu. Under “Services/Resources,” select “General Apps.” (This could be next to or below the announcements depending on your browser.) 2. Select "Manage My Account" 3. Select "Personal Info" followed by, "Change Email or Address/Phone" 4. Select "Add New" in the Phone Number block. 5. Select the type of phone using [...]