Electronic and Digital Signature Differences
Electronic signature (e-signature): Generally associated with contracts where multiple parties sign that they have received and approve of the actions of the document.
Digital signature: Mainly used to secure documents and is authenticated by a certification authority. A digital signature is like a digital fingerprint that is embedded in a document. The signer is required to create a password protected digital certificate so that he or she can be linked to the document.
Table presenting the differences between
Digital and Electronic Signatures
Digital Signature |
Electronic Signature |
(1) Used to secure a document | (1) Mainly used to verify a document |
(2) With a digital signature every signer is authorized and issued a digital ID, private PIN, and/or hardware security device key provided by a registered certificate authority (CA) | (2) Usually not authorized |
(3) Comprised of more security features | (3) Comprised of less security features |
(4) Common types of digital signature are based on Adobe and Microsoft | (4) Main types of electronic signature include, Adobe electronic text to signature, verbal, or scanned signatures. |
(5) A digital signature can be verified | (5) An electronic signature cannot be verified |
(6) Particularly concerned about securing the document | (6) Shows intent to sign the contract |